Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Idea for Topic

Okay, I was unable to sleep and I began to fret about what my website topic is going to be. Yes, I love monkeys and all that jazz but what I really know about is children's books.
I was thinking that maybe I'll make a site about children's books--hold on don't get bored yet--but the books I'll choose will deal with more sensitive or obscure topics.
For example, I will include the book "William's Doll" which is about a little boy who wants a doll. It's a personal favorite.
I'm going to try to stay away from self-consciously "pc" books because honestly, many children see through it. Unfortunately, many parents and even teachers have a hard time finding books that encourage appreciation of differences but aren't totally contrived and make everyone want to roll their eyes.
I also have an alterior motive: it's a good excuse to keep up with and learn more about children's lit and librarianism. I'm interested in working in the children's section of a public library and so far Drexel courses seem to focus on academic library settings.
Of course, I must think further about this though.

As for website colors: no baby pinks or blues. (They're just plain ugly.)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Impressed and Concerned

After having looked through all of your blogs, fellow classmates, I am very impressed on the one hand, and concerned on the other. I'm impressed at everyone's industry and thoughtfulness about the topics for their pages and the colors they will use. I'm particularly impressed by those of you who have chosen to work on topics that will look spectacular on your resume (such as pages for companies and libraries!). Sheesh.

When you are the director of some library, please don't forget about us little people.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Down to business

What to put on my final website? Wow. That's a tough one. I've been thinking about it for a while and can only conclude that I am a dilettante. I may not even be that.
Part of the difficulty is that I'm not very clear on how much of other's information (and especially images) I can use. For example, if I decide to create a page on animal intelligence I'd like to have some images. Then, it seems to me that I should also cite where I got my facts from or at least offer a citation to back up the information.
I really enjoy reading about physical anthropology as well as primatology. Maybe I'll do something with one of those topics.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blast! Foiled again!

Was I supposed to be writing about this course and blogging? *slaps hand on forehead*
Sorry guys for the inappropriately personal blogging.

Will it ever end? 'Cause...I'm ready to resign from my post as Queen of TMI.

Me, the slowpoke

If I'm going to do something I want to do it well. There is absolutely no point in doing something unless it's halfway decent (at least in my terms).
This is why deadlines drive me crazy. Everyone says, "Just get it done". I try and I try to just "get things done" but it just doesn't work for me. It's not that I don't finish things as much as that I happen to get them done after the deadline.
This wasn't a problem when I wasn't as concerned about "doing well" or "giving my best". In high school I did very well, partially I think because I just got things done.
Now that I actually want to learn I may be crippling myself. I feel the need to look up every word and concept that I don't understand. I want to find the perfect word that oh so eloquently expresses my thought. I end up feeling that rather than write papers, I give birth to them. It's exhausting.

(Actually, I like blogging because there isn't that pressure to write. This is also why I like math--although I'm not very "good" at it.)

Puppy blues (serious post)

The other day I got a phone call from my Mom. It was an ordinary phone call ("Hi Hadley, do you have a job yet? Have you made any friends? When are you going to have children?") when my Mom just blurted out "So, we had to put Cody down today."

Cody is (was) my dog... Wait. I can't really handle the past tense so please forgive me if I slip into the present tense from time to time.

Cody is a German Shepherd. We got her when I was 14 after 2 men with knives tried to break into our house while I was home alone with my little brother. He was 4 at the time.

Cody was born on July 4. We got her as a puppy and she saved my life at least 2 times after that. (For some reason, people like to try to break into where ever I'm living while I'm at home.) Cody was from a long line of police dogs although she didn't have any police training herself. Still, she was incredibly smart. In fact, sometimes I felt bad for her because she would get bored so easily.

She liked to play fetch just like every dog. Her favorite thing to do was to find toys I'd hidden. I'd put my arms up in a shrug and say, "Where's the toy?" She'd look at me and then race off to find it. If she got stuck I'd give her a little social referencing by pointing to the direction and she go there to find it. We'd usually play this outdoors.

When we couldn't go outside we'd play "soccer" in the house. She had a cushy "soccer ball" that she liked to kick around with her paws. It was more like "keep away" than soccer. I'm not sure she could count.

She also really liked Twizzlers. She wasn't really that into food but the second she saw Twizzlers her eyes would get huge and she'd cry from them. She knew that she wasn't allowed to take human food unless "invited" but Twizzlers were another story. One time I was watching a movie and I had a bag of Twizzlers on the coffee table. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her crouching and slowly moving toward the table (stalking). She crept up to the table, pursed her lips, and veeerry slowly slid just one Twizzler out of the bag and slinked away!

She also had a thing for eating my clothing. I bought a sweater on a vacation to Austin. When I took the sweater out of the bag (which was on the floor for a few days) half of it was gone. I think the indigestion she had was punishment enough!

When I moved the New York City I couldn't take her with me so she moved to upstate New York to live on a farm with a family friend. I missed her but keeping her in an apartment would have been cruel. She also really liked her new caregiver and I got to see her occassionally.

The last time I saw her it was clear that she was in pain. She couldn't walk very well, was gray, and was missing many teeth. I think the clear loss of spirit was the worst part. She still had some of her old self but I could see in her eyes that she wanted peace. When I left I said goodbye to her, told her that I loved her. It was strange knowing that it would be the last time.

She was 13 years old. I don't doubt that she had a good life and that it was the best thing. It's kind of a relief in some ways. It was hard to see her like that. Is that selfish of me?

I hope there are Twizzlers where ever she is...

Random facts

You asked for it and here it is... some random things that I tend to blurt out at inappropriate times, usually when I am nervous:
  • Did you know that Jayne Mansfield was not really decapitated in that car crash? Yeah, it was only the top of her head. Also, her daughter Mariska Hargitay was in the back seat at the time. She was 3.
  • Did you know that Bulldogs are such mutants that if you drop them in deep water they will turn upside down and sink? The size of their heads also means that most of them have to get c-sections.
  • Pigs are really smart. That is why I don't eat them. (Which inevitably brings up the response that I am a cognitive snob because I will eat a chicken.)
  • Did you know that some people start out in the womb as one of a pair of twins, but then the other twin will mysteriously vanish? ("vanished twin syndrome")

I could keep going but I won't. As I said: totally inappropriate. I guess that's why they stick in my mind. Why I feel the need to tell people about them I don't know. Oddly enough these things come out mostly at my mother's dinner parties. That may have more to do with amusing myself though. ;)

When I heard that our final webpage was going to have to be about something we are an "expert" in I got a little nervous.

Don't be hatin'

Alright, so, apparently doing school work on your computer in this cafe is "not cool". I imagine that blogging is even worse.
I admit that I am one of those people that used to make fun of people that use their laptops in cafes and now I am one of them. I'm in a new city and tired of being home alone. What else I am to do? So sad.
So I came here and after moving around eight times finally found an outlet that works. I've just realized (after setting up my stuff yet again!) that the internet connection isn't very good here. Thank goodness that this site saves drafts because the page has been dropped (is that the right term?) several times.
Oh no--it's almost 11pm! This cafe is supposed to be open until 12 but the guy at the counter always kicks people out around 11. I guess this is his way of "bucking the system" that's got him down. Ha.

Don't be "that guy" (or girl)

Right now I'm sitting in this "hip" coffee shop which is close to my house. Admittedly, I also like the music they play which is mostly punk and reminds me of when I was 15, footloose, and fancy-free (right). I have a feeling that this is the reason why many other people like this place too. Most of us are pushing 30. The thing is...you'd think that when you are past the age of, say, 18, you get over that whole "f you" mentality. If you are still angry at the world at this stage in life--and more to the point--ACT like you are "angry, young, and poor", than you have become "that guy".

When I was young and used to go to local shows, there was always "that guy"--the guy in the corner who is pushing 30 and hangs out with 16 year olds. Now, maybe some of the people in here have graduated to hanging out with people their own age. Great. But it may just be that they have simply formed a "that guy" union of sorts--a coalition of "that guys".

Ah well.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Introductory Chatter

My name is Hadley Iacone. Welcome to my thoughts.
I'm 28 years old and I'm in my third quarter at Drexel's "I-School" (a silly name if you ask me). I'm studying Library and Information Science so I can become proficient at finding information and stalking people. As an extra perk I get to spend my days learning about stuff so I can annoy my friends and family with random information (such as an octopus' ability to slide through a tube the diameter of a quarter.)
I use these websites almost every day:
Big Fish Games

I don't have a job right now. This is not by choice. I think I boast a decent resume so I'm a little perplexed by my lack of luck.
I like working with children. I was a nursery school teacher for 7 years. However, I'm tired of the academic environment. I'm hoping to work in a children's library although I'm open to working at a special library if the collection interests me.