Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Don't be "that guy" (or girl)

Right now I'm sitting in this "hip" coffee shop which is close to my house. Admittedly, I also like the music they play which is mostly punk and reminds me of when I was 15, footloose, and fancy-free (right). I have a feeling that this is the reason why many other people like this place too. Most of us are pushing 30. The thing'd think that when you are past the age of, say, 18, you get over that whole "f you" mentality. If you are still angry at the world at this stage in life--and more to the point--ACT like you are "angry, young, and poor", than you have become "that guy".

When I was young and used to go to local shows, there was always "that guy"--the guy in the corner who is pushing 30 and hangs out with 16 year olds. Now, maybe some of the people in here have graduated to hanging out with people their own age. Great. But it may just be that they have simply formed a "that guy" union of sorts--a coalition of "that guys".

Ah well.

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