Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Me, the slowpoke

If I'm going to do something I want to do it well. There is absolutely no point in doing something unless it's halfway decent (at least in my terms).
This is why deadlines drive me crazy. Everyone says, "Just get it done". I try and I try to just "get things done" but it just doesn't work for me. It's not that I don't finish things as much as that I happen to get them done after the deadline.
This wasn't a problem when I wasn't as concerned about "doing well" or "giving my best". In high school I did very well, partially I think because I just got things done.
Now that I actually want to learn I may be crippling myself. I feel the need to look up every word and concept that I don't understand. I want to find the perfect word that oh so eloquently expresses my thought. I end up feeling that rather than write papers, I give birth to them. It's exhausting.

(Actually, I like blogging because there isn't that pressure to write. This is also why I like math--although I'm not very "good" at it.)

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