Saturday, April 19, 2008

Impressed and Concerned

After having looked through all of your blogs, fellow classmates, I am very impressed on the one hand, and concerned on the other. I'm impressed at everyone's industry and thoughtfulness about the topics for their pages and the colors they will use. I'm particularly impressed by those of you who have chosen to work on topics that will look spectacular on your resume (such as pages for companies and libraries!). Sheesh.

When you are the director of some library, please don't forget about us little people.


falblute said...

What are you concerned about? I wasn't certain from reading your entry.

katherine said...

If it makes you feel any better, my topic has nothing to do with professionalism.

Anyway, when you pick a topic, make sure it's something you can put your own two cents into. So if it's animal intelligence, you should probably include your feelings/opinions on the subject.

alek (initials: as) said...

Unfortunately, I can not help you with animal intelligence, my cat is pretty dumb. This is the third week she is trying to catch the laser pointer's dot on the floor. On other hand, who are we to judge? UFOs fly around for decades and we still think these are meteorological baloons.

Chrysalis said...

Awww, Hadley. Don't worry about it. I'm just starting to try to get some experience in a library this summer.

I'm still with you on working in the education thing somehow! With teaching positions, they always liked to see experience with children and if you decide to go in that direction working with kids in a public library, I'm sure your years of nursery school teaching will count and someone would be happy to hire you:)

P.S. I don't think I'd even want to be a library director! That's a little too much stress for me. I don't think I'm aiming quite that high:)