Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Introductory Chatter

My name is Hadley Iacone. Welcome to my thoughts.
I'm 28 years old and I'm in my third quarter at Drexel's "I-School" (a silly name if you ask me). I'm studying Library and Information Science so I can become proficient at finding information and stalking people. As an extra perk I get to spend my days learning about stuff so I can annoy my friends and family with random information (such as an octopus' ability to slide through a tube the diameter of a quarter.)
I use these websites almost every day:
Big Fish Games

I don't have a job right now. This is not by choice. I think I boast a decent resume so I'm a little perplexed by my lack of luck.
I like working with children. I was a nursery school teacher for 7 years. However, I'm tired of the academic environment. I'm hoping to work in a children's library although I'm open to working at a special library if the collection interests me.


Commisioner said...

I see that you visit Big Fish Games. I just recently discovered the joys of video games. I periodically hijack my child's Nintendo DS to play Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney at Law. I also play the old school game Galaga. Do you know these games? What are your favorites on Big Fish?

mahsitti said...

Hey Hadley, maybe you could write in your blog about the random facts that you like to learn about? Random facts?

Chrysalis said...

I've never seen the Big Fish Games website, but it looks like fun. I think I'll try to play some of the games when I have some free time. I started playing Nintendo Wii over Christmas and that's been really fun. I like the bowling and the tennis, but I'm horrible at baseball:(

Joel N. said...

hey hadley,

I seen a crazy youtube video of a squid/octopus (not sure which one) squeezing through a really tiny plexiglass hole and it was weird and scary!

zerbipedia said...

I too am a lover of random facts and Octopi are some of my favorite animals because of their amazing abilities! Did you know that they can learn to unscrew jars?

Christy said...

I saw a television show, it was probably something on Discovery, but I did see them unscrewing jars. Apparently they have to be kept busy or they get bored and depressed.

Nancy K said...

Several of you posted very interesting information about octopi. I didn't know all that about them squeezing through a small tube or getting depressed, and being able to unscrew a jar lid. Who knew??

Random facts are great to know. I think it makes life interesting to realize how much there is to learn about. It will keep you feeling young, if you keep learning!!